Worcester Tea Party Massachusetts review of Joker 2019

Joker: A Worcester Tea Party Movie Review

Joker lives up to the hype with an excellent backstory of the Batman saga.  The movie illustrates the slippery slope life takes when nearly all decisions in a society are political.  The movie comes frighteningly close to today’s unfortunate reality. 

Without any spoilers, the movie overall takes one from a sympathy for the devil theme squarely into Joker territory, brilliantly.  As the city becomes overwhelmed with crime and waste of all kind, the only hope the city has is a politician who can swim in the filth. 

Thomas Wayne is poised to be the hero to all those in despair throughout Gotham when Joker’s mother proclaims that everybody believes he will save their city.  When asked ‘everybody, who?’  She replies, “Everybody on the news. He’s the only one who can save the city.  He owes it to us.”

Herein we see the deep-seated immorality of an almost wholly political state.  Those who choose to live in a society that willingly surrenders such power to the government can only do so by a deep lack of self esteem and fear of having to live with the consequences of one’s actions.  Therefore, of course, “Everybody on the news” is every opinion, and [Wayne] “owes it to us” because somehow his success took something from everyone else.

This plague that haunts Joker’s mother and many in Gotham illustrates perfectly one of the final destinations of a socialist state.

. . . And this same plague exists today.

The movie continues to proclaim the evils of a wholly political state by showing the destruction caused by monopoly systems.  The city is being totally overrun by its own filth.  Why?  Because the people of Gotham handed trash pick up to the politicians, and the politicians did what they always aim to achieve:  A monopoly system that requires extortion to operate. 

Striking and allowing an entire city to go to waste is a form of extortion.

This chaos is the result of every monopoly system.  This could never, although, happen in a competitive, capitalist, moral society because in such a society all interactions are voluntary.  There is no need to “strike” when you can simply pack up your things and get hired at a competitor’s establishment.

Finally, the disgusting and useless social services Arthur Fleck (Joker) received while on government assistance promptly ended when other people’s money ran out.  Again, this is an inevitable result of any socialized program.  Although, this would not happen in a voluntary arrangement in which those in need seek out and attempt to earn the help of others.

The overall theme of Joker hits square dead center in the heart of Tea Party principles.  The more political a society, the more impoverished; illuminating the truth that the opposite must be valid as well, and that is — a voluntary, free, and competitive world is the most prosperous.

Joker is a Tea Party favorite with brilliant undertones that illustrate the evils of socialism. Tea Party members all over the country should be grateful for Hollywood’s willingness to show the truth behind the “Democratic Socialism” movement taking momentum in the United States today . . . Even if those behind the movie are not intelligent enough to know they have in fact personified the evils of a non-Tea Party state.

The Worcester Tea Party gives the movie Joker 4.9 out of 5!

We are looking to make converts not punish heretics 

It would be hard to miss the growing list of things that need to be controlled by the government so we simple folk don’t hurt ourselves or destroy the planet.  In fact, there is a long list of demands to improve America.   What all these schemes have in common is they are about using our government to make all Americans live the way some Americans, and an annoying Swedish girl, think they should.  

The Wokescolds have been very vocal and very busy, but one can detect that they are turning people off with their overheated theatrics.  Often, they wreck the lives of people on the edges of scandal.  We hear stories of the powerful and the famous who cannot live up to the standards they would mercilessly inflict on the rest of us.

This is proof that the truth will come out.  

I propose that what we must do is to offer a home to people in transition from loony leftist to honest citizen and even to respected patriot.  Just as in the antebellum south the Under Ground Railroad helped former slaves on the road to freedom, we must help our friends and neighbors. 

In some cases, it may happen one issue at a time.  Listen for a person questioning the wisdom of a sacred cow policy like the $15 Minimum wage.  That is the sign that  they are struggling to match up the promised happy outcome with the sad reality the have come to know.  That is the moment when an informed and compassionate patriot can guide that person to freedom and away from group think that has enslaved them.  It will take patience and understanding to help people that have been shackled. We cannot expect that this will be easy from us or for them, but it will be worth it.    

It is claimed that Harriet Tubman said: “I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” While historians can argue if she said those exact words let us draw inspiration from her example and make ourselves conductors on this new under ground railroad which takes people away from tyranny. 

Matthew O’Brien
President Worcester Tea Party 

Ben is still right: “Join or Die!”

Ben is still right: “Join or Die!”

Dear Respected Patriot,

Let me start by saying to all the racist scum at the New York Times,

F#(% You!

To mark the of emergence of the Tea Party Movement, the New York Times published an article attempting to blame the acrimony which is all too common in civic life today as having started with the Tea Party Movement.  As if that was not enough of a stab in the back of the true patriots in America, the New York Times goes on to denigrate and condemn our movement and finally pronounce it dead and buried. 

But even that was not enough for the “Old Gray Lady.”  On Twitter many Antifa Activists squealed that the article forgot to call the Tea Party Movement “Racist.” Those intrepid Democrat Stenographers of the New York Times dutifully (…slavishly…) responded with a “correction:” 

Our intent with the story was to look at the spending and deficit policy failures of the Tea Party 10 years after its rise, especially those failures under a Republican president and Republican Senate. The federal budget deficit is growing faster than expected because of President Trump’s spending and tax cut policies; this month the CBO projected that the deficit will widen to $1 trillion for the 2020 fiscal year.

After publishing, we heard from readers who made the point that in a story about the Tea Party and history, race and racism within the Tea Party movement needed to be addressed. While our story was chiefly about deficits and spending, we decided to add context about the Tea Party attacks on President Obama and the racist displays at some Tea Party rallies. We updated the story and sent out a tweet about that update.

For ten years the Tea Party has been struggling to clean up the mess made by the socialist and racist policies that the keyboard commissars of the New York Times have advocated.  For all that time editors throughout the main stream media, including the New York Times, contrived stories to smear the Tea Party, because we were doing the right thing by standing up against the policies that brought poverty and death across the world and throughout history. 

Nevertheless we have allowed the Tea Party brand to be spoiled by unfounded ad hominem attacks.  Some of us have moved on to other good government organizations. Some of us have given up. All of us, even myself at times, have had our own crisis of faith.  

But then I see video from Hong Kong, & Venezuela, and I see how bad it can get if we do nothing.   

The grim lessons of where Utopian promises lead to are left unlearned.  In fact newspapers, television, schools, and colleges, are working to hide those lessons.  We have many in our country that actively advocate for socialism. Too many of our fellow citizens don’t understand how close we are to the precipice, and how far we have to fall.  

We will continue, not without hope, but knowing the unacceptability of the alternative.  Not because we have any superior skills or genius plans but because we can’t just wait for Superman to show up and save us.  We will continue because we owe it to our parents and our children, and ourselves.

After years of fighting, we scored a major victory over the Establishment with the election of Donald Trump and it has driven them insane.  Those who wish to rule over you from birth to death are on the ropes.  The knockout cannot happen without sustained resistance. 

I ask for all of you to rededicate yourself to this movement, prove the anti-American tools of the New York Times wrong, and to do what you can to save our Republic.  Now is the time for All good citizens to join the Worcester Tea Party. 

Join or Die! 

Matthew O’Brien
President Worcester Tea Party 

Happy Independence Day – American Exceptionalism!  

The Fourth of July is like a number of other holidays where people are admonished to “remember the reason for the season.”  

On the Fourth of July we should cherish the tremendous gift of freedom and liberty passed on to us by our Founding Fathers.  An increasing number of people in this country are complacent – not seeing America as exceptional in current context nor in a historical context.  Many see our imperfections as a reason for drastic change.

The Founding Fathers established a government of “We The People” – it was a new and untried idea.  The Declaration of Independence, adopted on the Fourth of July, began the united colonies’ efforts in the War of Independence.  The Declaration of Independence was ground-breaking in its assertion that:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

Prepared to sacrifice all.
Such a “Declaration of Independence” was treason and heresy against the King of England (also the leader of the Church of England).  The 56 signers were risking their lives, essentially signing their death warrants.  They were for the most part affluent with everything to lose.

What happened to those men?  Many lost their lives, families, and fortunes, but NOT their sacred honor.  Radio legend Paul Harvey details it in his talk Our Lives Our Fortunes Our Sacred Honor .  Rush Limbaugh’s father gave an excellent speech entitled The Americans Who Risked Everything (text) which was read by Senator Ted Cruz as he filibustered Obamacare.

After a long war, and the successful separation from England, what did the Founding Fathers do? 

The Founding Fathers could have easily created their own nobility, but, for the first time in the history of the world, they turned over the task of governing to “We The People.” Our government was designed to be as inconsequential as possible, to be simple, with power vested in the people and at lowest levels of government closest to the issues to be addressed.

Socialism in vogue?
Today, in listening to polls, you hear that half the women, half the millennials, and apparently most of the Democrat candidates are in favor of Socialism. Most of those who support it think it is primarily “free stuff” for and taking care of people, more government services (see Most Socialists Can’t Even Define Their Own Ideology).  The reality is very different. Just look at Venezuela. The government runs amok, and the economy and society are collapsing. John Stossel notes Venezuela IS Socialism – riches to rags.

The solution – REDEDICATING ourselves to The Declaration of Independence
Read the Declaration of Independence or you can listen to a dramatic reading by a number of actors for the Bicentennial.  It sets forth the principles of self governance, individual liberty and freedom from tyranny later enshrined in United States Constitution.  The majority of The Declaration of Independence is a listing of grievances against the King and British rule – and the tyrannies of too much government intrusion and the running of the lives of (what should be) free men.

Many of those tyrannies and grievances are similar to what we are experiencing NOW.  The solution for too much government is NOT more oppressive government. The solution is a return to the limited government which our Founding Fathers established and set forth for us.

Patrick Humphries
Greater Boston Tea Party

An indebted nation is a defeated nation.

At some point over the last generation, the enemies of America realized they cannot defeat a capitalist country like the United States on the battlefield.  So clearly, they went back to the drawing board to start over, and at some point drew the scheme to destroy America by using our naivete and government systems could rot us from within.

On the federal level, this rot is evident.  22 trillion dollars of debt and climbing.  Deficits are surging despite record economic growth in the US.  We are moving rapidly towards paying nothing of our debt down and only paying on the interest, which is the last gasp of fresh air before we become Venezuela; some are calling it a death spiral.

Take it from the leadership of the Worcester Tea Party, changing the country on a Federal level is like pushing on a mountain.  We’ve tried it, countless hours of working late into the night for years.  These efforts, albeit not wholly effective, helped move the needle.  But the reality is that nothing is going to change until we change locally.  Great societies can rot from within, but their healing can begin from within as well.  When the cancer has spread as it has today, the most effective approach is to heal the smallest infection first and move out from there.

Consider this at the barbecues and holiday event you attend.  If you can change one mind that cared enough to speak to you about the real issues affecting Massachusetts, you can create another advocate for a capitalist morality and instantly double your efforts.  He or she will then move forward and double their efforts, quickly and exponentially increasing your influence.

Consider this at the next town meeting or school committee meeting.  Speak up about the debt locally, and the tax burden put upon the shoulders of the productive in society.

Consider this when you hear more about “equitable” housing, seeing “inclusion” used to push more subsidized housing in your neighborhood to bring more burden onto the backs of the Atlases of society.

All of these issues may appear to be trivial in light of the work and effort we must put in just to make ends meet today.  But rest assured, they are all carefully crafted to rot America from within.  The battle lines are drawn and you would be surprise how close they come to your front door. 

John Niewicki
Dean of Information Technology
Worcester Tea Party

“The Shell Game Debunked” A Pro Rank Choice Voting Rebuttal

Recently, we at the Worcester Tea Party sent our monthly newsletter riddled with misinformation about Ranked Choice Voting (RCV), otherwise understood as the Fair Vote.  

Therefore, a rebuttal is prudent:

Claim #1:“The problem is people DO NOT participate!”
We do not need further turnout of voters who are ignorant of the issues and simply vote based upon the identity of the candidates.  RCV DOES turn out the vote of more people, but not just any voters as implied by the prior author.  RCV increases the turnout of educated people who understand the issues because now they have an opportunity to vote for the candidate they truly support as opposed to only the lesser of two evils.  

So in this respect, RCV does turn out more people to vote, but unlike today, these people are activated because they now have an opportunity to cast a ballot based upon the candidate they truly want as opposed to the lesser of two evils.  RCV allows people to make a logical decision without a concern they are throwing away their vote.  

The idea that we simply need more people to vote with no regard for their ability to make a rational decision will only lead to more bad leadership in Massachusetts.

Claim #2: “. . . under RCV the other candidates could rank up their votes until  a second place loser overtakes the original winner.”  
When people rank their votes, they rank them based upon their value system.  Therefore, the idea that someone would rank, say, Donald Trump first and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (or any set of candidates that are complete opposites in political disposition) shows a complete lack of understanding of the very premise of RCV.  Therefore, no matter how “candidates could rank up their votes,” if the people do not share in the disposition of those candidates they simply will not rank them.  

Claim #3:“What is a proven fact is in elections you are choosing a winner over a loser.  A vote for candidate A is a vote against candidate B.  This is how elections work!”  
The idea that it is better to have to choose between an actual democrat over a slightly less democrat-like republican than to be able to actually vote one’s conscious is truly silly.  

To most honest voters, the choice in any election between, say, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, John McCain, George Bush, or John Kerry are all bad options, and this is how the Establishment wants it to be.  Why?  Because no matter who loses, the Establishment wins.  Ranked voting breaks this paradigm and places the power back into the hands of the voter because it is then impossible to make the options for office a choice solely between the lesser of two evils. 

Simply stating the elections are about picking a winner over a loser without consideration as to whether either option really represents the will of the people is dangerous.  With Rank Choice Voting, people can truly vote their conscious knowing that if their first choice is eliminated from the race their vote will still count. When such a mindset is put in place, elections become about ideas and not about money and parties, something the Establishment fear more than anything.

John Niewicki
Dean of Information Technology
Worcester Tea Party

Thor by Miyem Supriyati of Flickr

Avengers: Endgame – A Tea Party movie review with NO SPOILERS

Overall, the new Avengers film Endgame takes a long time to ramp up and does not live up to the expectations a superhero film lover expects from a Marvel movie.  It does yet again, though, strike another cord that rings true to the Tea Party Movement’s revolution to renew the core American value that people’s lives are their own, and they are not cogs in another person’s machine.  In other words, no tyrant has the right to force the world to conform to their world vision.

It is evident that the former Avengers movie, Infinity War, underscored the real threat to humanity imposed upon every American via the United Nations entire Sustainable Development initiatives the Worcester Tea Party discusses here.  The newest chapter in this story, Avengers:  Endgame does not hit on such timely circumstances of the world today, but has an inspirational sub-theme that rings true for all who fight for capitalist, American Tea Party values.

At the start of the climax of the film, Thanos muses;

I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you have shown me that’s impossible. As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those, that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.   

The Tea Party and a handful of other good-government groups “remember what was” and therefore we are the ones who will never be able to accept the vision of the future others wish to impose upon us.  Whether it be the big-government Republicans, the Democrats, Progressives, socialists, or those using concern for the environment as a wedge to rollback the progress and prosperity of capitalism, we must have the eternal vigilance required to save the great American experiment.

As insightfully stated by AntiCorporatism.com in its article, Disrespect for the National Anthem, Suppression of Speech, Violence . . . What is going on? The Answer:;

This is why it is necessary to diminish and then destroy the previously widely accepted perception of America.  By burning flags, destroying monuments, and disrespecting the National Anthem, the enemies of America can begin the long, but necessary steps to ascribe a negative connotation to what it means to be an American.

The political Left understand Thanos’ point in Avengers:  Endgame, albeit not yet to believe in the same violent means to their end.  The political Left understands that if real Americans are allowed to speak their mind and defend their views openly, their desire to impose their will upon them will never succeed.  This is why today we see such a concerted effort to shut down speech and disarm lawful and moral Americans. 

The left understands the stakes and knows that without such actions, they will lose. Therefore, it is imperative that the Worcester Tea Party and all other Tea Parties across America continue to champion the critical moral foundation of capitalism and the preservation of individual rights regardless of the costs. 

Thanos is the epitome of the political Left today, but there are no small group of superheroes to fight them off.  There is only the powerful force of the millions of Tea Party Americans that will remember what was, and therefore fight to preserve the blessings of liberty and freedom for generations to come.

The Shell Game-Rank Choice Voting

The interesting turn in the 2018 midterm elections wasn’t Democrat control of our House of Representatives, but rather how many of them came to be by a narrow margin and a lack of voter participation.  The recent recall and re-win of indicted Fall River Mayor Corriea underscores this.  Then again Massachusetts has a history of indicted, on trial and imprisoned Governors, Mayors and other representatives serving time while serving in government.

In the election of Cortez only 27,744 out of 214,750 registered Democrats showed up on election day.  In Fall River roughly 13,000 showed up to vote for five candidates.  Advocates of Rank Choice Voting (RCV) claim this will be avoided with RCV in elections.  Well, that’s all well and good if people actually showed up to vote.

The problem isn’t the system or a ‘plurality’ of parties.  The problem is people DO NOT participate!  RCV does not address this 800 lb gorilla in the room.  The Cortez and Corriea election victories  do not represent the majority of all voters.  It just represents who bothered to show up.  How does RCV solve this issue?  It doesn’t.  In fact, under RCV the other candidates could rank up their votes until  a second place loser overtakes the original winner.  In the case of Corriea the eventual winner would have won by even lesser numbers than the Mayor himself.  The entire thing is a shell game.

Under Arrow’s Theorem you pick your choices from best to worse.  You ‘manufacture’ the winner by taking second and third choices and running them up the scale. Essentially, you choose the steak.  But you would be happy with the pork if steak loses out.  In the final round you settle for the chicken in case you get niether steak or pork.  According to a Stanford U. paper published;   

“Nothing is necessarily wrong with that; the decision process can be perfectly democratic, and one person simply turns out to be on the winning side on all issues. “
(Hylland 1986: 51, footnote 10) 
Aanund Hylland 

Then there is Occam’s second Razor.  In order to claim something as fact it must be proven.  Any and all questions, deviations, secondary statements to such must also be proven.  Rank Choice Voting does not ‘prove’ this.  It simply says so.

RCV isn’t a better system; It is just another system.

What is a proven fact is in elections you are choosing a winner over a loser.  A vote for candidate A is a vote against candidate B.  This is how elections work! The concept of ‘spoiler’ candidates is a construct.  What the hell does that mean?  Is RCV insinuating others SHOULD NOT run for office?  How can RCV claim to open the process to better candidates, more parties, more openness while using such language?

Speaking about language; On  RCV sites you will constantly see the word ‘Democracy’.  Politicians who want to adopt this shell game will read from the script.  While local elections are based on a majority vote our Federal  Government is a Constitutional Republic.

If RCV cannot get our most basic form of government straight then how can we believe them to institute and ensure a more fair and equitable voting system?

And That Is The Diatribe….

Christopher Maider
Dean of Journalism
Worcester Tea Party

The Shell Game-Rank Choice Voting

The interesting turn in the 2018 midterm elections wasn’t Democrat control of our House of Representatives, but rather how many of them came to be by a narrow margin and a lack of voter participation. The recent recall and re-win of indicted Fall River Mayor Corriea underscores this. Then again Massachusetts has a history of indicted, on trial and imprisoned Governors, Mayors and other representatives serving time while serving in government.

In the election of Cortez only 27,744 out of 214,750 registered Democrats showed up on election day. In Fall River roughly 13,000 showed up to vote for five candidates. Advocates of Rank Choice Voting (RCV) claim this will be avoided with RCV in elections. Well, that’s all well and good if people actually showed up to vote.

The problem isn’t the system or a ‘plurality’ of parties. The problem is people DO NOT participate! RCV does not address this 800 lb gorilla in the room. The Cortez and Corriea election victories do not represent the majority of all voters. It just represents who bothered to show up. How does RCV solve this issue? It doesn’t. In fact, under RCV the other candidates could rank up their votes until a second place loser overtakes the original winner. In the case of Corriea the eventual winner would have won by even lesser numbers than the Mayor himself. The entire thing is a shell game.

Under Arrow’s Theorem you pick your choices from best to worse. You ‘manufacture’ the winner by taking second and third choices and running them up the scale. Essentially, you choose the steak. But you would be happy with the pork if steak loses out. In the final round you settle for the chicken in case you get niether steak or pork. According to a Stanford U. paper published;

“Nothing is necessarily wrong with that; the decision process can be perfectly democratic, and one person simply turns out to be on the winning side on all issues. ”
(Hylland 1986: 51, footnote 10)
Aanund Hylland

Then there is Occam’s second Razor. In order to claim something as fact it must be proven. Any and all questions, deviations, secondary statements to such must also be proven. Rank Choice Voting does not ‘prove’ this. It simply says so.

RCV isn’t a better system; It is just another system.

What is a proven fact is in elections you are choosing a winner over a loser. A vote for candidate A is a vote against candidate B. This is how elections work! The concept of ‘spoiler’ candidates is a construct. What the hell does that mean? Is RCV insinuating others SHOULD NOT run for office? How can RCV claim to open the process to better candidates, more parties, more openness while using such language?

Speaking about language; On RCV sites you will constantly see the word ‘Democracy’. Politicians who want to adopt this shell game will read from the script. While local elections are based on a majority vote our Federal Government is a Constitutional Republic.

If RCV cannot get our most basic form of government straight then how can we believe them to institute and ensure a more fair and equitable voting system?

And That Is The Diatribe….

Christopher Maider
Dean of Journalism
Worcester Tea Party

The Deep State is Deadly Serious about Destroying America, and Judge Kavanaugh is Proof

The Deep State is Deadly Serious about Destroying America, and Judge Kavanaugh is Proof

The accusation that any man yesterday, last week, or 36 years ago attempted to forcibly remove a woman’s clothes while smothering her so she could not scream is a serious allegation that deserves the utmost scrutiny.  President Trump and other members of Congress chose yesterday to look into the accusations made by Christine Blasey-Ford, and this is the right thing to do for her and our country.

This stated; the Kavanaugh hearings prove one thing unequivocally:  The Deep State Exists and they are serious about winning.

Setting aside the veracity of Blasey-Ford’s obvious trauma and the sincerity of Kavanaugh’s denials, the way in which this judicial confirmation evolved proves that the Tea Party is winning and the Establishment/Deep State/Globalists are losing.

No matter where anyone falls in regard to the believability of Blasey-Ford and Kavanaugh, there is no question:

  1. Blasey-Ford did not want to testify in front of world
  2. Republicans offered and no one told Blasey-Ford they would come to her
  3. Blaséy-Ford did not want her letter released and only a handful of people possessed it
  4. At the time of this writing, there has been zero corroborating evidence or witnesses to support Blasey-Ford

Clearly, the Democrat Party is wholly entrenched in the deep state and an enemy of the people.  Although this is true as well for some Republicans, Lindsey Graham­ and others showed the courage and fortitude needed to stand up and fight.  The courage these people showed and the fire they feel inside was ignited by the Tea Party and we continue to stoke it every day.


The leadership of the Worcester Tea Party asks that this midterm election you find a candidate you trust and believe has America’s interests at heart, and fight for them with all you have.  Our battle to return America back to its founding principles will forever be a fight to be won, we must step it up now while we have them on the ropes.  Please help us by donating today:
