Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!

A recent article in the Mail Online reported on a study showing that people who hold “extremist” political views were healthier than people with moderate or centrist views.   The study found that both far right and far left leaners were more active, exercised more, and spent less time sitting than those with little interest in politics.   Those people in the middle are not just figuratively sitting on the fence.    They are literally sitting on their butts.

I don’t like the term that the article used to describe politically active people: “extremist”.   I surely don’t feel like an extremist.   If anything, I think that my views are pretty mainstream.

What earned us the smear of “extremists”?   It’s meant to be an insult, to tie activists to some kind of lunacy because we don’t conform to state mandated thought.

We are not wishy-washy and obedient non-thinkers.   Most of us have a philosophical foundation for our view of the world and we’re willing to act on it.   We are not willing to compromise our values for feel good outcomes.   We don’t like spineless hypocrites who have no principles to stand on.   We know that our “place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat”.

So, in making your New Year’s resolutions, pledge yourself to continue to exercise your power as a citizen activist.   It’s good for your country and it’s good for your health.

In Liberty,
Ken Mandile

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Now the election is passed and we have learned of a new scandal emanating from MIT professor and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber.  By now you’ve seen one of the many videos of Professor Gruber saying how the American voters are stupid, how voters do not understand basic economics, and how this provided great advantage to them as they came up with deceptions worked into the Obamacare.

This story becomes even more convoluted as reporters quoting Professor Gruber are quoted in other reporters stories, which were in turn quoted by the White House to justify the complexities of Obamacare.  It is so tangled a knot of lies that any attempt to understand it makes one’s head spin.  This deliberate fog of deception propelled then House Speaker Nancy Pelois to infamously say: “We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.”

We in the Tea Party Movement have always trusted in the morality and the wisdom of our fellow Americans.  We have faith in our republic.  But we know that there are limitations to the democratic process.  Voters can only judge when they have all the facts plainly before them.  The role of the Media is to inform the American voters so they can make wise choices.  As of late we have found the media to be unreliable in this sacred duty.  When politicians and technocrats lie to the American people about the issues and no one in the media will speak the truth, is it no wonder that voters cannot make wise choices.

The Tea Party Movement is a movement based on the values of education and truth.  Our movement believes these virtues will establish lasting political change.  Policies of lies and deceit have no true advantage; policies of lies and deceit are doomed to fail because the truth cannot be hidden.

George Washington was famous for never having told a lie.  He also told us that “99% of failures come from men that make many excuses.”  Our nation needs to return to the virtues of men like George Washington.

This newsletter will be heavy with links to many of the reports about what has gone on with the Obamacare and what is going on with Professor Gruber from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

We need to be careful whom we place trust in.  We are all concerned about polyester suited used-car salesmen selling a lemon when should be much more concerned about well polished political consultants shackling us with failed policies that fill the pockets of their donors and ensure the reelection of lying politicians.

The Worcester Tea Party is proud of the part we played in sharing these facts with the public.  We will tirelessly continue to do this work; it is the core reason for the Worcester Tea Party.  But it is also true that these things have a cost so we encourage you that if you find this to be of value to please make a monetary donation to the Worcester Tea Party.  With your very generous support I am confident we will continue to be able to make a difference in our Commonwealth and in our nation.

That difference is more critical now than ever before as we see our worst fears about these policies coming to fruition and the burdens of these policies being forced on our children for generations to come.

In Liberty,
Matt O’Brien
Chief Evangelist

Did You Read This ????

Did You Read This ????


How many times have YOU

read comments like these:

 news paper

“The tea party people amongst us are certainly
a frenzied and irrational bunch of unpatriotic citizens
that have used technicalities in the law and the rules of government
to obstruct the everyday workings of government . . . “

– Telegram & Gazette Saturday, December 7 2013


“The tea-party Republicans claim that they did not get anything
from the shutdown.  Well, what they should get is arrested
for putting our country into more debt and chaos.  
What true American man would do this?”

– Telegram & Gazette Friday, November 22, 2013


Are YOU going to sit by and allow this to be said
by those who want to take your liberties? 

Attacks such as these are just starting and will only get worse.  While our opponents’ policies are leading to extraordinarily obvious failures, as we knew they would, they are desperate to change the public’s focus.  As the floor falls out from under those who support more and more government oppression of our rights, they are out in full force to demean and denigrate YOU.
  The American people are turning on them, they are desperate, and . . .


They are against the rope

 boxer boots

NOW is the time to fight back because the pen is truly mightier than the sword.  Those who oppose us may buy ink by the barrel, but the truth and our Founders are on our side.  


The the propaganda machine is moving with full force in a desperate attempt to distract from the mess we are witnessing.
We have editors and resources to make you succeed, all you need is the desire and time to put your thoughts on paper.

Interested?  Please contact us today via email at


In liberty,

Matt O’Brien
Ken Mandile
John Niewicki

The freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards

“The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.”


It wasn’t that long ago that many of us were happily oblivious to the world beyond our families and our jobs. Some of us were involved in politics by being loyal to a political party. A few of us were always involved in the battle against the tyranny that has degraded our freedoms. In an ideal world, most people should be able to spend their lives in the first group, blissfully ignorant of what the government is doing. In fact, for most of our history, the government was not a factor in the average citizen’s life. That time has passed though. It is unlikely that we will ever again be able to take leave from our vigilance in defense of our liberties.

We have been drawn into this cause of liberty because of a sense of responsibility to our ancestors who, as Sam Adams said, “purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood”. More importantly though, we have a responsibility to ourselves, our families, our neighbors, and to future generations.
We are blessed that we can fight this cause without the violence that our ancestors needed to use. Our opponents are not taking arms against us, but they have cheated us of our liberties “by the artifices of designing men”.
Our opponents cannot use reason and logic against us. They have no principles upon which their beliefs are based. Statists only value envy, greed, and power. In desperation, they use vile words, nasty rhetoric, and outright lies. We have been proven to be better equipped than they are though. We have the words and actions of our founders. We have the reason of natural rights. We have the greatest document for freedom in the history of mankind, the United States Constitution. They will continue to attack each of these. In fact, they have already done much damage to the Constitution, but in the march of history, liberty always advances.
We need your help, not only to defend against the attacks from our opponents, but also to spread the message of liberty. It’s not enough to just respond to those who will never understand. We need to win the hearts and minds of our friends and neighbors by showing them that they are being cheated out of the treasure of their labor and of the basic rights that they were born with. Please consider getting more active in our cause, whether it is through our organization or one of the many others that are allied with us. “The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.”
In Liberty,
John Niewicki
Matt O’Brien
Ken Mandile

How the Tea Party Movement is Like Spiderman (and Who is the Greatest Enemy of the Tea Party Movement?)


When I was a boy, I read every comic that Marvel Comics produced.  Even the titles lost in the sands of time (does anyone else remember Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur?).  Today, even though I have grown, I still draw from the lessons I learned from Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and Roy Thomas.  The principled heroics and moral clarity of superheroes is something I try to live up to in my own life.

This vast knowledge of comic books allows me to state categorically that the Amazing Spiderman is the super hero that the Tea Party Movement is most like.  It must seem weird to think of the Tea Party Movement as the Amazing Spiderman but it can be helpful for those out side or new to the movement, who seek understanding.

A radioactive spider transformed the intellectually gifted but physically unimpressive Peter Parker into the athletic and muscular Spiderman.  Likewise it was the sting of the housing bubble bursting and the toxic responses of both the Bush and Obama administrations that spurred many off their couches and into the streets on April 15th 2009 for the first Tax Day Tea Party rallies.

Just as teenage Peter Parker had to learn and grow to become the hero Spiderman, so has the Tea Party Movement learned from the many elections and initiative campaigns that we have worked on.  We are a very young movement, and have suffered some growing pains.  Like Spiderman with each new adventure our strength and skills grow.

A sad way we are like Spiderman is that we too have lost our uncle and mentor when Andrew Breitbart left this world on March 1, 2012.  Spiderman remembers “…with great power comes great responsibility,” we  #RememberBreitbart with all his boundless energy, irreverent humor, and incandescent joy at doing what we can to thwart those that would keep us on our knees.  Every one of us continues the battle in the ways that he taught us.

If we look at Spiderman we see he has fought many super villains but one foe has always vexed him and made his life hard.  J. Jonah Jameson has used his newspaper the Daily Bugle as cudgel to beat Spiderman and call him a menace.  Spiderman can never get credit for any of the good he does because Jameson always blames him for everything that happens.  Even when Spiderman captures bank robbers, the headline on the front page of the Bugle reads “Masked spider escapes! Leaves rest of gang behind!”

So who is the greatest enemy of the Tea Party Movement?  jjonahjameson

The Legacy Media. 

How many times have you read or seen reports that the Tea Party Movement is racist?  The Tea Party Movement has been instrumental in electing dozens of black, Hispanic, Asian, and women candidates to office across the country.  The only black man serving as in the US Senate is a Tea Party supporter.  But that is not in sync with the narrative that the Legacy Media is pedaling.  So they never mention it.

The Legacy Media will continue to print lies about the Tea Party Movement even as it costs them what little credibility they now have.  They are so consumed with pettiness that they often refuse to capitalize the words Tea Party in their stories while they always capitalized the word Occupy in the fawning odes they published about that group. 

Spiderman gives us an example of how we should deal with the Legacy Media.  Spiderman never goes to the offices of the Bugle and tears Jameson from his chair and dangles him from the roof tops of Manhattan.  No Spiderman is a hero.  He doesn’t have time to sweat the small stuff.  Spiderman has rescued Jameson and the Bugle many times.  And he laughs off all the twisted headlines and slanted editorials.  And so should we. 

Since the Legacy Media is willing to fabricate stories to harm our movement there must be something we can do to defend ourselves.  The best course of action for members of the Tea Party Movement is to be on our guard not to fall into any of the Legacy Media’s traps.  More importantly we must laugh at them.

When Ronald Reagan debated President Jimmy Carter in 1980 he didn’t get angry and shout at the distortions of his record as governor of California.  He laughed and sighed and famously said ‘…there you go again.”  Some credit that debate performance with winning Ronald Reagan the presidency.

We are working to save our country that is the most serious endeavor a person can ever attempt.  But we can not let the seriousness of our goal rob us of our joy.  None of us is Spiderman, or Ronald Reagan.  But we can all learn from their example.  We can collect the thorns and hate thrown at us, and hand back roses.  Laughter at the ridiculousness of these blowhards works better than shouting.

Advice courteous of your friendly neighborhood Tea Party Man!


This Month in Liberty July 21st 2012

Welcome to the first edition of This Month in Liberty, your one resource for information you need to know to defend our county, state, and country. With the ever increasing torrent of information and dialog we are faced with every day, this newsletter will keep you you informed with only the most relevant interesting information about the events that will shape our country’s future for generations to come.

The leadership of the Worcester Tea Party are dedicated to deliver to you each moth the tools you need to defend liberty and American principles.

Be sure to share this resource with our supporters and those who oppose our views. Only through an open dialog with our fellow citizens will we restore our republic the the beacon of freedom it was meant to be.

Kenneth Mandile
Matthew O’Brien
John Niewicki