Donald Trump’s campaign promise to “Drain the swamp” has successfully placed him in the Oval Office. But what exactly is the swamp, and how does one go about draining it?
The commonly accepted definition of the “swamp”, and the one Trump alludes to, is the career, political elite of Washington, D.C., who are in essence tenured legislators. This career, political class is seen as an entrenched, corrupt, blackguard of the status quo, a semi-permanent legislative body that stands between the people, their rights, and a just government. I contend that these entrenched politicians are not in fact, “THE swamp”; rather they merely reflect the dominant ideas of our culture. I would argue that these career politicians are merely a surface layer, and the real depth of the swamp lies somewhere else.
The Democrats and Republicans are virtually united in their moral base, that is, the pinnacle of virtue for both parties is altruism, the morality which preaches the sacrifice of the individual self for “others”. They sometimes differ on which individuals should be sacrificed, and quibble over the level of sacrifice, but they both fundamentally believe in the moral duty of being “thy brother’s keeper”.
Now the election is passed and we have learned of a new scandal emanating from MIT professor and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber. By now you’ve seen one of the many videos of Professor Gruber saying how the American voters are stupid, how voters do not understand basic economics, and how this provided great advantage to them as they came up with deceptions worked into the Obamacare.
This story becomes even more convoluted as reporters quoting Professor Gruber are quoted in other reporters stories, which were in turn quoted by the White House to justify the complexities of Obamacare. It is so tangled a knot of lies that any attempt to understand it makes one’s head spin. This deliberate fog of deception propelled then House Speaker Nancy Pelois to infamously say: “We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.”
We in the Tea Party Movement have always trusted in the morality and the wisdom of our fellow Americans. We have faith in our republic. But we know that there are limitations to the democratic process. Voters can only judge when they have all the facts plainly before them. The role of the Media is to inform the American voters so they can make wise choices. As of late we have found the media to be unreliable in this sacred duty. When politicians and technocrats lie to the American people about the issues and no one in the media will speak the truth, is it no wonder that voters cannot make wise choices.
The Tea Party Movement is a movement based on the values of education and truth. Our movement believes these virtues will establish lasting political change. Policies of lies and deceit have no true advantage; policies of lies and deceit are doomed to fail because the truth cannot be hidden.
George Washington was famous for never having told a lie. He also told us that “99% of failures come from men that make many excuses.” Our nation needs to return to the virtues of men like George Washington.
This newsletter will be heavy with links to many of the reports about what has gone on with the Obamacare and what is going on with Professor Gruber from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
We need to be careful whom we place trust in. We are all concerned about polyester suited used-car salesmen selling a lemon when should be much more concerned about well polished political consultants shackling us with failed policies that fill the pockets of their donors and ensure the reelection of lying politicians.
The Worcester Tea Party is proud of the part we played in sharing these facts with the public. We will tirelessly continue to do this work; it is the core reason for the Worcester Tea Party. But it is also true that these things have a cost so we encourage you that if you find this to be of value to please make a monetary donation to the Worcester Tea Party. With your very generous support I am confident we will continue to be able to make a difference in our Commonwealth and in our nation.
That difference is more critical now than ever before as we see our worst fears about these policies coming to fruition and the burdens of these policies being forced on our children for generations to come.